Wednesday, 10 December 2008


You cannot find inner peace by avoiding life...

                                                                            Virginia Woolf

I know wherever I run when I turn back the same problems will be there....
I didn't want my 100 post to be like this I wanted it to be festive. I wanted to write how I had an amazing time with my friend sin H.
But I just can't.

Today it's not a good day!

I'm just a fucked up girl looking for my own peace of mind.
That's all I want some peace on my mind, some warmth on my soul, some silence for my ears
Tears are wetting my blouse and I have blue eyeliner in my cheeks...
Sometimes I'm just tired of me being me...
I want to leave...
                           But I think about P and I want to stay.
                                  I want to see the end of the story even if it turns sour...

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