Saturday 8 March 2008


Today it´s international women´s day! I feel conflicted. Part of me wants to cheer up and celebrate but the other makes me think why we need a day to celebrate and by that I don't mean in any way that being a woman isn't worth celebrating we can do things no man can do not even the most powerful. Men say we took feminism too far and maybe we have. To be true to myself I don't believe in feminism. Don't get me wrong I definitely don't believe that we are made to serve and obey others but that goes for men too. I believe in being equal we aren't better than the other we are complementary. To add to this I'm not saying the only way to be in balance is with a man-woman relationship. We are complimentary even if the individuals are just friends regardless of sexual orientation. God knows I wouldn't be able to be a house wife and that I would feel trapped if I had to be confined to that role. But that doesn't mean that I think it's a demeaning job or that I don't respect someone who chooses and I emphasize the word choose to do it. I admire those people because I know it's something I can't do. About women's revolution some people think that we were so busy trying to show that we could do as good as men or even better that we got stuck with everything. Now women work 40+ hours a week and go home to be the kids driver, hubbys or partner's psychologist, gourmet chef, lover, house maid, etc. With all that work we still have to fit in coffee with the girls, the therapist appointment, and the Pilates class. No wonder all women I know are tired. This is true but we chose to do it and that's the beauty of it we have a choice. Some conservative people might say that we juggle with so many things that it's impossible to do things right and that the kids are now worse than ever. What would you rather have (because this isn't about the money)? Quality or quantity sometimes you just can't have both. Some women the dream of their lives is to be a full time mother and that's great! Some others can't stand to be at home 100% of the time. It's better to have a happy mother than a frustrated cranky one. There you go again quality versus quantity. I grew up with quality my mom worked and my dad helped to educate me I think I got in my childhood the best of both worlds. And if she left me something as a legacy is responsibility and the ability to make decisions because that's one of the inherent things that makes us human beings (freedom) we are always able to choose over something even not choosing is an election (x decided not to choose). Thinking about it yep I'll be celebrating not my womanhood but my presence in this world as a human being and what I can do to grow every day ( my womanhood isn't who I am but only one of the aspects of who I am).
P.S. Also last but not least we don´t need a man to be able to love and we don´t fall for a girl because we haven´t found a the right man . We are fantastic by nature !

1 comment:

Jesús Mtz said...

Hola q tal, solo para decirte esto:
y muy buen pozt....